Corporate Law Expert

The corporate lawyer combines the managerial role with the contribution of his specific legal skills.

Giurista d'Impresa Giuliano Palma

Perfect union between the role of the legal counselor and the business consultant, the jurist of enterprise carries out specialized activity, accompanied from consulting support and assistance in legal matter, in all the fields of the law that involves the business life. 

Above all it combines the managerial role with the contribution of its specific legal competences, concurring with the other functions to the formation of the decisional and managerial processes of the enterprise.

Experience gained in matters such as administrative, financial, tax, labour law, banking law, national and international contracts, as well as Community law, they allow to define the condition of the enterprise in a complete and functional way, in the commercial relations and of national and international co-production, and as subject of taxation from the state.

But above all it combines the managerial role with the contribution of its specific legal competences, concurring with the other functions to the formation of the decisional and managerial processes of the enterprise. The corporate lawyer (or otherwise called Legal Adviser in house) must be able to quickly and effectively solve situations never equal to each other, providing solid mental elasticity to a deep knowledge in question.

The International Business Law Firm Palma & Partners works as a corporate lawyer, placing itself at the top positions in Italy for its competence and professionalism, the result of experience gained in the field and an in-depth and continuous activity in the field of management and good performance of business relationships.

It can boast various collaborations in the most varied managerial and legal assistance fields in the start-up and primary management of companies and associates.
The various collaborations have led our sponsors to receive an important protection in collaborations with foreign countries.

The experience, professionalism, versatility in different situations, make the International Business Law Firm Palma & Partners, a valid reference for the fascinating sector of corporate jurisprudence.