Christian Lawyer Giuliano Palma

The work of the christian lawyer moves according to the duties of fairness and responsibility, with love for one’s neighbour and the desire for justice.

Avvocato EvangelicoThe professional ethics of the lawyer, reflects its maximum expression in the fundamental duties of fairness and the defence of freedom. These essential dictates emphasise even more the role and objectives inherent in the unprecedented and innovative figure of the Christian Advocate.

In fact, this expression does not aseptically frame the appearance of any professional who has embraced the Christian faith, but substantially opens the range to the creation of a new and revolutionary image of the Lawyer in the forensic landscape.

The essential objective is in fact to spread in the first place the message of God’s love spread throughout the world for the salvation of humanity through the sacrifice of Christ so that “whoever believes in Him does not perish but has eternal life” (Gospel of John Chap. 3 v. 16).

Embracing this inescapable truth involves a different and decisive vision in the client/lawyer relationship: the duties of fairness and responsibility; the love for one’s neighbour and the desire for justice, are transmitted in a direct way on the work of the professional on duty which, it turns out to be an example of Christian charity not only for its beneficiary, but also towards any counterparts and their defenders, so that “in everything Christ has the primacy” (Letter of Paul to the Colossians Chap. 1 v. 18).

avvocato-giuliano-palma-dettaglio-vangeloThis predisposition, accompanied by a solid forensic preparation to which every lawyer of this study is firmly anchored, involves not only an understanding of the technical/legal dynamics of any doctrinal case concerning the subjects dealt with, but also and above all the ability to empathetically penetrate the expectations and fears of one’s patient, giving him, thanks to his own spiritual certainties, security and serenity.

The International Business Law Firm Palma & Partners is a pioneer in the creation of this new professional figure. The hope and certainty is that, with the help of God, in every area of Italy and abroad (see locations) one can fully and totally enjoy the spiritual skills and love of the Christian Lawyer.